So This Is How I Roll....... I've been doing MLM, Network Marketing for some time and been aggressively doing on line stuff for the last two years. I am currently promoting three streams of income. Two are product based and one recently started is a High ticketed Item. The product based businesses I do off line and on line. Both products compliment each other. They were not the spare of the moment decisions or that I fell for the hype of quick easy money. These are products that I felt passionate about and wanted to add to my portfolio for producing long term residual income. Solid business run companies. As for the High Ticketed investment. I felt that it was the right time to start playing with the Big Boys & Girls and start generating an increased cash flow for my efforts that I have put forth. With my now stronger Focus,Mindset, and consistent habits, that I've developed over the years the time was right!!! To See What I Do feel free to visit my Business page..To Your Success!...... www.facebook.com/tdalugdug